Reflow Oven
I’ve always wanted to build my own reflow oven for my personal projects. I found an article on hackaday showing how someone can make their own diy oven. I took a look at the reflowduino github repo, and found that this entire project is open source with both hardware and software information laid out. Unfortunately, the person who created the project is no longer building boards. Luckily, I found his Oshpark page and was able to order a few PCBS and buy the necessary components on Mouser using the BOM provided. After working with the reflowduino, I quickly realized that I would have to pivot towards a new direction. Some problems with this project include:
- Not abiding with the ble standard / utilizing esp-if’s api.
- Using the arduino IDE.
- Bad Android app.
- Thermocouple
- Cost
- Lack of control over the heating elements.
This led me to whizoo, a more complete project that resolves many of the issues that the reflowduino has. I bought a few solid state relays and got to work wiring the oven together. Instead of using an arduino and using it’s god awful IDE, I decided to use the esp32 and its development api. Afterwards, I implemented the PID algorithm, adjusting the duty cycle of the top and bottom heating elements. To make the program a bit efficient, I used hardware timing interrupts for controlling the duty cycle. Overall, I’m satisfied with the oven. Now onto enabling bluetooth!